
– Iranian Girls Dancing [UPD]

Iranian Girls Dancing: A Symbol of Resistance and Expression

Iranian girls dancing is not just a form of entertainment, but also a way of challenging the oppressive regime that imposes strict rules on their appearance and behavior. In a country where women are banned from dancing in public and forced to wear the Islamic headscarf, Iranian girls dancing is a sign of defiance and empowerment.

In March 2023, a video of five Iranian girls dancing with bare midriffs and uncovered hair to the song “Calm Down” by Nigerian singer Rema went viral on social media. The video was filmed in the courtyard of a residential building in Ekbatan, a middle-income neighborhood in Tehran that has been one of the epicenters of protests against the regime since September 2022.

The protests were sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who died in custody after being arrested by the notorious morality police for allegedly violating the dress code. Her death, which officials blamed on a heart attack, touched off a wave of anti-establishment demonstrations in cities across the country. The authorities have met the unrest with a harsh crackdown that rights groups say has killed more than 500 people, including 71 children.

The video of the five girls dancing was released on March 8, coinciding with International Women’s Day, and garnered thousands of views and shares from users in Iran and around the world. The video also caught the attention of Rema, who retweeted it and commented: “To all the beautiful women who are fighting for a better world, I’m inspired by you, I sing for you and I dream with you.”

However, the video also drew the ire of the Iranian security forces, who reportedly searched for CCTV footage and questioned the guards of the neighborhood to identify and arrest the girls. According to activists, the girls were detained for 48 hours and forced to make a video in which they expressed regret for their actions, with their heads fully covered.

This is not the first time that Iranian girls dancing has provoked controversy and repression in Iran. In 2018, Maedeh Hojabri, an 18-year-old gymnast who had posted videos of herself dancing on Instagram, was arrested and sentenced to six months in prison. In 2014, six young Iranians who had filmed themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy” were also arrested and sentenced to suspended jail terms and lashes.

Despite these risks, Iranian girls dancing continues to be a popular phenomenon on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, where they showcase their talent and creativity. Iranian girls dancing is not only a way of expressing themselves through art and music, but also a way of resisting the oppressive regime that tries to silence them.

The History and Culture of Iranian Girls Dancing

Iranian girls dancing is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of a rich and diverse cultural heritage that dates back to ancient times. Iran has a long history of dance, music and poetry that reflects its various ethnic groups, religions and regions. Iranian girls dancing is influenced by both traditional and modern styles, such as classical, folk, pop and hip-hop.

One of the most famous forms of Iranian dance is the Bandari dance, which originated in the southern coastal regions of Iran and is characterized by lively movements and colorful costumes. Another popular form of Iranian dance is the Kurdish dance, which is performed by both men and women in a circle or a line, holding hands and moving in sync. Iranian girls dancing also incorporates elements of Persian classical dance, which is based on graceful gestures and expressions that convey emotions and stories.

Iranian girls dancing is not only a form of art, but also a form of socialization and communication. Iranian girls dancing can be seen at various occasions, such as weddings, parties, festivals and celebrations. Iranian girls dancing can also be a way of expressing their identity, personality and mood. Iranian girls dancing can be playful, joyful, romantic, sad or rebellious.

The Challenges and Benefits of Iranian Girls Dancing

Iranian girls dancing faces many challenges in a society that restricts their freedom and rights. Iranian girls dancing can be seen as a threat by the conservative regime that views it as immoral, indecent and un-Islamic. Iranian girls dancing can also be seen as a challenge by the patriarchal culture that expects them to be submissive, obedient and modest. Iranian girls dancing can expose them to harassment, violence and persecution by the authorities and the society.

However, Iranian girls dancing also has many benefits for their well-being and empowerment. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of coping with stress, trauma and oppression. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of improving their physical and mental health, as well as their self-esteem and confidence. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of connecting with other women who share their passion and vision. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of inspiring change and hope for a better future.

The International Support and Solidarity for Iranian Girls Dancing

Iranian girls dancing has also received international support and solidarity from various celebrities, artists and activists who have praised their courage and creativity. One of them is Selena Gomez, the American singer and actress who collaborated with Rema on the remix of “Calm Down”. Gomez shared the video of the five girls dancing on her Instagram story and wrote: “This makes me so happy. I love you guys.”

Another supporter is Hannah Neumann, a German Member of the European Parliament who is also a human rights activist. Neumann tweeted the video of the five girls dancing and wrote: “This is what freedom looks like. This is what courage looks like. This is what joy looks like. This is what resistance looks like. This is what feminism looks like. This is what Iran looks like.”

Other supporters include Iranian-American comedian Maz Jobrani, Iranian-British singer Rita Ora, Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari, and many other social media users who have expressed their admiration and encouragement for Iranian girls dancing. Some of them have also joined the dance challenge and posted their own videos of dancing to “Calm Down” in solidarity with the Iranian girls.

The Future and Potential of Iranian Girls Dancing

Iranian girls dancing is not only a current trend, but also a future potential for social change and cultural exchange. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of raising awareness and educating people about the situation and aspirations of women in Iran. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of creating dialogue and understanding between different cultures and communities. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of promoting peace and harmony in a region that is often plagued by conflict and violence.

Iranian girls dancing can also be a way of developing their skills and talents, as well as pursuing their dreams and passions. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of opening up new opportunities and possibilities for their personal and professional growth. Iranian girls dancing can be a way of contributing to the artistic and cultural diversity and richness of the world.


Iranian girls dancing is a phenomenon that reflects the courage, creativity and resilience of women in Iran who face many challenges and restrictions in their society. Iranian girls dancing is a way of expressing themselves, resisting the oppressive regime, improving their well-being, connecting with others, and inspiring change. Iranian girls dancing is also a way of celebrating their culture, sharing their stories, and contributing to the global community. Iranian girls dancing deserves our support and solidarity, as well as our admiration and respect.

What do you think of Iranian girls dancing? Have you ever watched or joined the dance challenge? How can we support and empower women in Iran and around the world? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.



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