
Rpp Farmakognosi

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What is RPP Farmakognosi and Why You Need It for Your Farmasi Education

RPP Farmakognosi is a term that stands for Rencana Program Pembelajaran Farmakognosi, which means Learning Program Plan for Farmakognosi. Farmakognosi is a branch of science that studies the natural sources, characteristics, and effects of drugs, especially those derived from plants. RPP Farmakognosi is a document that outlines the objectives, materials, methods, and assessments of teaching and learning Farmakognosi in schools.

In this article, we will explain what RPP Farmakognosi is, how it is developed, and what benefits it offers for students and teachers of Farmakognosi. We will also provide some examples of RPP Farmakognosi for different topics and levels of Farmakognosi education.

What is RPP Farmakognosi?

RPP Farmakognosi is a tool that helps teachers plan and implement effective and engaging learning activities for Farmakognosi. It is based on the curriculum and standards of Farmakognosi education in Indonesia, which are set by the Ministry of Education and Culture. RPP Farmakognosi covers various aspects of teaching and learning Farmakognosi, such as:

RPP Farmakognosi can be designed for different levels of Farmakognosi education, such as:

How is RPP Farmakognosi Developed?

RPP Farmakognosi is developed by following a systematic and collaborative process that involves several steps, such as:

  1. Analyzing the curriculum and standards of Farmakognosi education to identify the basic competencies and indicators for each topic or unit of Farmakognosi.
  2. Formulating the learning objectives based on the basic competencies and indicators.
  3. Selecting the learning materials that match the learning objectives and are relevant to the students’ needs and interests.
  4. Choosing the learning methods that suit the learning materials and objectives and are appropriate for the students’ characteristics and abilities.
  5. Preparing the learning media that enhance the learning methods and materials and are accessible and attractive to the students.
  6. Finding the learning resources that supplement or complement the learning materials and media and are reliable and credible.
  7. Designing the learning assessments that measure the students’ achievement of the learning objectives and provide feedback for improvement.
  8. Evaluating and revising the RPP Farmakognosi based on feedback from peers, experts, or supervisors.

What are the Benefits of RPP Farmakognosi?

RPP Farmakognosi has many benefits for both students and teachers of Farmakognosi. Some of these benefits are:

What are some Examples of RPP Farmakognosi?

To give you a better idea of what RPP Farmakognosi looks like, here are some examples of RPP Farmakognosi for different topics and levels of Farmakognosi education. These examples are based on the web search results .

Example 1: RPP Farmakognosi Dasar for Obat Tradisional (Traditional Medicine)

This RPP Farmakognosi Dasar is for the topic of Obat Tradisional, which is part of the basic competency 3.1: Menerapkan Obat Tradisional (Applying Traditional Medicine). The learning objective is to explain the definition, history, classification, and benefits of obat tradisional. The learning method is a lecture followed by a discussion. The learning media is a PowerPoint presentation. The learning resource is a textbook on Farmakognosi Dasar. The learning assessment is a written test.

Aspek Isi
Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Menerapkan Obat Tradisional
Indikator Mendefinisikan obat tradisional
Menguraikan sejarah obat tradisional
Mengklasifikasikan obat tradisional
Mendeskripsikan manfaat obat tradisional
Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini, siswa dapat:
– Mendefinisikan obat tradisional sebagai suatu bahan atau ramuan yang berasal dari tumbuhan, hewan, atau mineral yang digunakan untuk pengobatan berdasarkan pengalaman turun-temurun.
– Menguraikan sejarah obat tradisional dari masa prasejarah hingga masa modern.
– Mengklasifikasikan obat tradisional berdasarkan sumbernya menjadi tumbuhan (fitofarmaka), hewan (zoofarmaka), atau mineral (geofarmaka).
– Mendeskripsikan manfaat obat tradisional sebagai alternatif pengobatan yang murah, mudah, dan aman.
Materi Pembelajaran Obat Tradisional
– Definisi
– Sejarah
– Klasifikasi
– Manfaat
Metode Pembelajaran Ceramah dan Diskusi
Media Pembelajaran PowerPoint Presentation
Sumber Belajar Buku Teks Farmakognosi Dasar oleh Drs. H.M. Djoko Wiyono, Apt., M.Si.
Penilaian Pembelajaran Tes Tertulis
– Bentuk: Pilihan Ganda
– Jumlah Soal: 10
– Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal: 75%

Example 2: RPP Farmakognosi Lanjut for Oleum Volatilia (Volatile Oil)

This RPP Farmakognosi Lanjut is for the topic of Oleum Volatilia, which is part of the basic competency 3.2: Menganalisis Oleum Volatilia (Analyzing Volatile Oil). The learning objective is to identify and analyze the characteristics and properties of oleum volatilia. The learning method is an experiment followed by a report. The learning media is a laboratory equipment and materials. The learning resource is a journal article on oleum volatilia. The learning assessment is a practical test and a report.

Aspek Isi
Kompetensi Dasar 3.2 Menganalisis Oleum Volatilia
Indikator Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri oleum volatilia
Menganalisis sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia oleum volatilia
Menganalisis kandungan dan aktivitas biologis oleum volatilia
Melaporkan hasil analisis oleum volatilia secara tertulis dan lisan

Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini, siswa dapat:
– Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri oleum volatilia sebagai senyawa aromatis yang mudah menguap dan larut dalam pelarut organik.
– Menganalisis sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia oleum volatilia seperti warna, bau, indeks bias, massa jenis, titik didih, dan titik nyala.
– Menganalisis kandungan dan aktivitas biologis oleum volatilia seperti terpenoid, fenilpropanoid, flavonoid, alkaloid, dan saponin yang memiliki efek antiseptik, antispasmodik, antiinflamasi, analgesik, dan lain-lain.
– Melaporkan hasil analisis oleum volatilia secara tertulis dan lisan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang jelas, logis, dan sistematis.

Materi Pembelajaran Oleum Volatilia
– Ciri-ciri
– Sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia
– Kandungan dan aktivitas biologis

Metode Pembelajaran Eksperimen dan Laporan

Media Pembelajaran

Laboratorium Alat dan Bahan

– Alkohol
– Asam sulfat pekat
– Asam klorida pekat
– Larutan natrium hidroksida
– Larutan bromin
– Larutan iodin
– Larutan fehling A dan B
– Larutan dragendorff
– Larutan Mayer
– Larutan Wagner
– Larutan Liebermann-Burchard
– Larutan Shinoda
– Larutan Molisch
– Larutan Froehde
– Larutan Keller-Killiani
– Kertas saring
– Kertas lakmus merah dan biru
– Pipet tetes
– Tabung reaksi
– Rak tabung reaksi
– Gelas ukur
– Gelas kimia
– Erlenmeyer
– Corong pisah
– Buret
– Statif
– Klem
– Neraca analitik
– Refraktometer
– Piknometer
– Termometer

Oleum Volatilia

– Minyak kayu putih (Cajuputi oil)
– Minyak cengkeh (Clove oil)
– Minyak jahe (Ginger oil)
– Minyak jeruk (Orange oil)
– Minyak lavender (Lavender oil)

Sumber Belajar

Jurnal Ilmiah tentang Oleum Volatilia oleh Dr. Ir. Nurlina Syahriani Lubis., M.Si.

Penilaian Pembelajaran

Tes Praktik dan Laporan

– Bentuk: Praktikum dan Laporan Tertulis dan Lisan

– Jumlah Soal: 5

– Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal: 75%

Example 3: RPP Farmasi Klinis dan Komunitas for Simplisia Fructus (Simplisia Fruit)

This RPP Farmasi Klinis dan Komunitas is for the topic of Simplisia Fructus, which is part of the basic competency 3.1: Menerapkan Simplisia Fructus (Applying Simplisia Fruit). The learning objective is to analyze and identify simplisia fructus and its preparations in various clinical and community settings. The learning method is a discovery learning and a game educative (mix & match). The learning media is a card game and a worksheet. The learning resource is a handbook on simplisia fructus. The learning assessment is an observation and a quiz.




RPP Farmakognosi is a document that helps teachers plan and implement effective and engaging learning activities for Farmakognosi. It covers various aspects of teaching and learning Farmakognosi, such as the basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, materials, methods, media, resources, and assessments. RPP Farmakognosi can be designed for different levels of Farmakognosi education, such as Farmakognosi Dasar, Farmakognosi Lanjut, and Farmasi Klinis dan Komunitas. RPP Farmakognosi has many benefits for both students and teachers of Farmakognosi, such as improving their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and motivation in learning about natural drugs.

We hope this article has given you a clear and comprehensive overview of what RPP Farmakognosi is, how it is developed, and what benefits it offers. If you are interested in learning more about RPP Farmakognosi or other topics related to Farmakognosi, you can visit our website or contact us for more information. Thank you for reading and happy learning!



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