
Blitskriq [BEST]

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What is Blitskriq? A Brief History and Definition of the Military Tactic

Blitskriq is a German word that means “lightning war”. It is a military tactic that aims to create psychological shock and disorganization in the enemy forces by using surprise, speed, and superiority in firepower or materiel. Blitskriq is most commonly associated with Nazi Germany during World War II, but it has its origins in the 19th century Prussian and German warfare, and it has been used by various combatants in different wars and conflicts. In this article, we will explore the history, definition, advantages, disadvantages, legacy, and influence of blitskriq as a military tactic.

The Origins of Blitskriq in Prussian and German Warfare

The Concept of Schwerpunkt and Concentration of Force

The concept of blitskriq was influenced by the Prussian military thinker Carl von Clausewitz, who proposed the idea of Schwerpunkt or “centre of gravity” in his seminal work On War (1832). Clausewitz argued that all military actions should have an effective concentration of force at a single point, where the enemy’s resistance is most dense and vulnerable. By focusing on the Schwerpunkt, the attacker can break through the enemy’s lines of defense, disrupt their command and control, and defeat them in a decisive battle.

The Role of Technology and Innovation in Enabling Blitskriq

Blitskriq also relied on the development of technology and innovation that enabled the rapid and coordinated movement of troops and weapons. In the 20th century, advances such as radio, aircraft, motorized vehicles, tanks, artillery, and mechanized infantry allowed the attacker to concentrate force at the Schwerpunkt with speed and surprise. These technologies also allowed the attacker to exploit the gaps created by blitskriq, by pursuing and encircling the enemy, cutting off their supply lines, and preventing their retreat.

The Examples of Blitskriq in World War I and World War II

Blitskriq was first used by the German army in World War I, especially during the Battle of Tannenberg (1914) and the Spring Offensive (1918). However, it was not until World War II that blitskriq became a dominant military doctrine for Nazi Germany. Under the leadership of generals such as Heinz Guderian, Erwin Rommel, and Erich von Manstein, the German army used blitskriq to achieve stunning victories over Poland (1939), France (1940), Yugoslavia (1941), Greece (1941), Soviet Union (1941-1942), North Africa (1941-1943), and Western Europe (1944-1945). Blitskriq was characterized by fast-moving armored divisions supported by air assault and close air support, combined with infantry formations that followed behind to secure the territory.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Blitskriq

The Benefits of Surprise, Speed, and Superiority in Blitskriq


Blitskriq had several advantages over conventional warfare. By using surprise, speed, and superiority in blitskriq, the attacker could achieve the following benefits:

The Limitations and Vulnerabilities of Blitskriq

However, blitskriq also had some limitations and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by the enemy. Some of the drawbacks of blitskriq were:

The Countermeasures and Responses to Blitskriq

The enemy could adopt various countermeasures and responses to blitskriq, depending on their situation and capabilities. Some of the possible ways to counter blitskriq were:

The Legacy and Influence of Blitskriq in Modern Warfare

The Adaptation and Evolution of Blitskriq by Other Countries and Forces

Blitskriq had a profound impact on modern warfare, as it inspired other countries and forces to adapt and evolve their own military doctrines and strategies. Some of the examples of blitskriq adaptation and evolution were:

The Comparison and Contrast of Blitskriq with Other Military Doctrines and Strategies

Blitskriq can also be compared and contrasted with other military doctrines and strategies that have emerged or existed in history. Some of the examples of blitskriq comparison and contrast were:

Military Doctrine/Strategy Similarities with Blitskriq Differences from Blitskriq
Sun Tzu’s Art of War – Emphasis on deception, surprise, speed, and flexibility.
– Emphasis on avoiding direct confrontation and exploiting enemy weaknesses.
– Emphasis on winning without fighting or minimizing casualties.
– Focus on moral factors rather than material factors.
– Focus on strategic rather than operational level.
– Focus on indirect rather than direct approach.
Napoleon’s Grand Armée – Emphasis on concentration of force at decisive point.
– Emphasis on mobility and maneuver

– Emphasis on mobility and maneuver warfare.
– Emphasis on innovation and adaptation to changing circumstances.

– Focus on numerical superiority rather than technological superiority.
– Focus on operational rather than strategic level.
– Focus on direct rather than indirect approach.
Mao Zedong’s People’s War – Emphasis on guerrilla warfare and asymmetric warfare.
– Emphasis on political and ideological motivation and mobilization.
– Emphasis on protracted and attritional warfare.
– Focus on rural rather than urban areas.
– Focus on defensive rather than offensive posture.
– Focus on mass rather than speed.
John Boyd’s OODA Loop – Emphasis on observation, orientation, decision, and action cycle.
– Emphasis on agility, adaptability, and initiative.
– Emphasis on disrupting the enemy’s OODA loop and creating confusion and chaos.
– Focus on individual rather than collective level.
– Focus on cognitive rather than physical factors.
– Focus on nonlinear rather than linear approach.

The Relevance and Application of Blitskriq in Current and Future Conflicts

Blitskriq is still relevant and applicable in current and future conflicts, as it provides a useful framework for understanding and conducting warfare. However, blitskriq also needs to be updated and modified to suit the changing nature and context of war. Some of the challenges and opportunities for blitskriq in current and future conflicts are:


Blitskriq is a military tactic that has shaped the history and future of warfare. It is based on the principles of surprise, speed, and superiority in force concentration. It has its origins in Prussian and German warfare, and it has been used by various combatants in different wars and conflicts. It has several advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation and capabilities of the attacker and the defender. It has also influenced and been influenced by other military doctrines and strategies. It is still relevant and applicable in current and future conflicts, but it also needs to be updated and modified to suit the changing nature and context of war.


What does blitskriq mean?

Blitskriq is a German word that means “lightning war”. It is a military tactic that aims to create psychological shock and disorganization in the enemy forces by using surprise, speed, and superiority in firepower or materiel.

Who invented blitskriq?

Blitskriq was not invented by a single person or group. It was influenced by the Prussian military thinker Carl von Clausewitz, who proposed the idea of Schwerpunkt or “centre of gravity” in his work On War (1832). It was also influenced by the development of technology and innovation that enabled the rapid and coordinated movement of troops and weapons. It was first used by the German army in World War I, but it was not until World War II that it became a dominant military doctrine for Nazi Germany.

What are some examples of blitskriq?

Some examples of blitskriq are:

What are some advantages and disadvantages of blitskriq?

Some advantages of blitskriq are:

Some disadvantages of blitskriq are:

What are some ways to counter blitskriq?

Some ways to counter blitskriq are:

Is blitskriq still relevant in modern warfare?

Blitskriq is still relevant in modern warfare, as it provides a useful framework for understanding and conducting warfare. However, blitskriq also needs to be updated and modified to suit the changing nature and context of war. Some of the challenges and opportunities for blitskriq in modern warfare are:


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