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RiderFlow: A Free Plugin for Unity Editor That Helps You Build and Manage Your 3D Scenes

If you are a Unity developer, you know how important it is to have a good understanding of your scenes and assets. You also know how challenging it can be to navigate, search, organize, and update them, especially when they become complex and large. That’s why you need a tool that can help you with these tasks and make your life easier. That’s why you need RiderFlow.

What is RiderFlow and why you should use it

RiderFlow is a scenery tool for Unity developers

RiderFlow is a free plugin for the Unity Editor that helps you gain a deeper understanding of scenes. It provides you with the tools you need to instantly navigate and search through the scenes, understand the connections between scene elements, and manage a scene effectively. Prototyping has never been so quick and easy in Unity!

RiderFlow is a scenery tool for the members of a team using the Unity Editor – level designers, game designers, artists, and coders. Its sibling, JetBrains Rider, is a C# and Unity scripting editor for coders. When combined, they provide you with a full suite of powerful tools to boost your Unity development at all stages.

RiderFlow provides you with powerful features to work with scenes

RiderFlow has some very cool features that can help you work with scenes in the Unity Editor. Here they are at a glance:

RiderFlow is free and easy to install

RiderFlow is a free plugin that you can download from the Unity Asset Store. You can also install it directly from Rider by going to Tools | Unity | Install Unity Editor Plugin. To use RiderFlow, you need to have Rider installed on your machine. You can download a free trial of Rider from the JetBrains website. RiderFlow works with Unity 2019.4 or later.

How to use RiderFlow in your Unity project

Now that you know what RiderFlow is and why you should use it, let’s see how you can use it in your Unity project. Here are some examples of how RiderFlow can help you with different tasks related to scenes.

Search everything everywhere with Search Everywhere popup

One of the most useful features of RiderFlow is the Search Everywhere popup. It allows you to quickly search for anything in your project, such as GameObjects, assets, files, actions, and more. You can access it by pressing Shift+Shift or by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar.

The Search Everywhere popup has several tabs that let you filter your search results by different categories. For example, you can use the Unity tab to search for GameObjects in scenes, prefabs, and assets. You can also use the Files tab to search for files by name or content. You can also use the Actions tab to search for actions that you can perform in the Unity Editor, such as creating a new script, opening a scene, or running the game.

When you find what you are looking for, you can simply press Enter to open it or perform the action. You can also use the arrow keys to navigate through the search results and press F4 to preview them in a separate window. You can also drag and drop items from the search results directly into your scene or hierarchy.

Visually understand the scene structure with Find Usages

Another feature that can help you understand your scenes better is Find Usages. It allows you to see where an asset is used in scenes, other assets, and prefabs. For example, if you want to know where a texture is used in your project, you can right-click on it and select Find Usages. This will show you a list of all the places where the texture is used.

You can also use Find Usages to highlight the usages of an asset in the current scene. For example, if you want to see where a GameObject is used in your scene, you can right-click on it and select Find Usages in Scene. This will highlight all the instances of that GameObject in the scene view while everything else is grayed out. You can also press F12 to jump to the next usage or Shift+F12 to jump to the previous one.

Find your way through complex scenes with sections, notes, and bookmarks

When you are working with complex scenes, it can be hard to keep track of everything and remember what each object does. That’s why RiderFlow provides you with some handy tools to organize your scenes and make them more readable. These tools are sections, notes, and bookmarks.

Sections are a way to group objects by color in the hierarchy panel. You can create a section by selecting one or more objects and pressing Ctrl+Alt+S. You can then give the section a name, choose a color, and add a description. Sections help you visually separate different parts of your scene and make it easier to find what you need.

Notes are a way to add comments to your objects in the hierarchy panel. You can create a note by selecting an object and pressing Ctrl+Alt+N. You can then type your note and press Enter. Notes help you document your scene and explain what each object does.

Bookmarks are a way to mark objects that you want to return to later. You can create a bookmark by selecting an object and pressing Ctrl+Alt+B. You can then assign a shortcut to the bookmark and press Enter. Bookmarks help you quickly jump to important objects in your scene.

You can share your sections, notes, and bookmarks with your team by saving them as a RiderFlow file. You can also import and export them as JSON files.

Effectively manage scenes with Scene View Management toolbar

The Scene View Management toolbar is another feature that can help you manage your scenes effectively. It is located at the top of the scene view and provides several tools to control your scene activities. Here are some of them:

Refactor reliably with Replace Objects refactoring

RiderFlow also provides you with a powerful refactoring feature that allows you to replace one or more objects in a scene and automatically update any references. This is called Replace Objects refactoring and it works like this:

  1. Select one or more objects in the hierarchy panel that you want to replace.
  2. Press F6 or right-click and select RiderFlow | Replace Objects….
  3. In the dialog box that appears, choose the object that you want to use as a replacement. You can also specify some options, such as whether to keep the original name, position, rotation, or scale.
  4. Click OK.
  5. RiderFlow will replace the selected objects with the new object and update any references in scripts, prefabs, or other assets.

This feature is very useful when you want to change the appearance or behavior of multiple objects in your scene without breaking anything.

Dive deeper with the smart editor powered by Rider

RiderFlow is not only a scenery tool but also a smart editor powered by Rider. Rider is a C# and Unity scripting editor that provides you with many features to write better code faster. Some of these features are:

RiderFlow and Rider work together seamlessly to provide you with the best coding experience in Unity. You can switch between them with a simple shortcut or a click of a button. You can also customize them to suit your preferences and workflow.

What are the benefits of using RiderFlow

RiderFlow boosts your productivity and creativity in Unity

One of the main benefits of using RiderFlow is that it boosts your productivity and creativity in Unity. By using RiderFlow, you can:

All these features help you work more efficiently and effectively in Unity. They also help you unleash your creativity and imagination by giving you more control and flexibility over your scenes.

RiderFlow helps you with complex scenes and large projects

Another benefit of using RiderFlow is that it helps you with complex scenes and large projects. As your project grows bigger and more complex, it becomes harder to manage and maintain it. That’s why you need a tool that can help you handle the complexity and scale of your project. That’s why you need RiderFlow.

RiderFlow helps you with complex scenes and large projects by:

RiderFlow helps you avoid confusion, errors, and frustration when working with complex scenes and large projects. It also helps you maintain the quality and performance of your project.

RiderFlow increases collaboration within teams

A third benefit of using RiderFlow is that it increases collaboration within teams. If you are working on a Unity project with other developers, designers, artists, or testers, you need a tool that can help you communicate and coordinate with them. You need a tool that can help you share your work and feedback. You need RiderFlow.

RiderFlow increases collaboration within teams by:

RiderFlow helps you work better with your team members by facilitating communication and coordination. It also helps you avoid conflicts and errors when working on the same project.

What are the alternatives to RiderFlow

RiderFlow is unique in its functionality and integration with Unity

You might be wondering if there are any alternatives to RiderFlow that can provide you with similar or better features. The answer is no. RiderFlow is unique in its functionality and integration with Unity. There is no other tool that can offer you the same level of functionality, usability, and compatibility as RiderFlow.

RiderFlow is unique in its functionality because it provides you with features that are not available in any other tool. For example, RiderFlow is the only tool that offers you the Replace Objects refactoring, the Scene View Management toolbar, the Search Everywhere popup, and the smart editor powered by Rider. These features are designed specifically for Unity developers and are not found in any other tool.

RiderFlow is unique in its integration with Unity because it works seamlessly with the Unity Editor and Rider. You can switch between them easily and use them together without any issues. You can also use RiderFlow with other Unity tools and plugins without any conflicts or compatibility problems.

RiderFlow is compatible with other Unity tools and plugins

Although RiderFlow is unique in its functionality and integration with Unity, it does not mean that it is incompatible with other Unity tools and plugins. On the contrary, RiderFlow is compatible with most of the popular Unity tools and plugins that you might be using or want to use in your project. Some of these tools and plugins are:

Tool/Plugin Description
Odin Inspector A powerful editor extension that lets you customize how your scripts look in the inspector.
Bolt A visual scripting tool that lets you create logic for your game without writing code.
Gaia Pro A terrain and scene generation tool that lets you create stunning environments for your game.
Aura 2 A volumetric lighting and fog system that lets you create realistic atmospheric effects for your game.
ProBuilder A level design tool that lets you create 3D models and levels directly in the Unity Editor.
Polarith AI An artificial intelligence tool that lets you create realistic and dynamic movement for your game characters.
Master Audio An audio management tool that lets you create immersive and adaptive sound for your game.

RiderFlow works well with these tools and plugins and does not interfere with their functionality. You can use them together with RiderFlow to create amazing games in Unity.

Conclusion and FAQs

In conclusion, RiderFlow is a free plugin for the Unity Editor that helps you build and manage your 3D scenes. It provides you with powerful features to search, navigate, understand, organize, and update your scenes and assets. It also integrates with Rider, the smart C# and Unity scripting editor. RiderFlow boosts your productivity and creativity in Unity, helps you with complex scenes and large projects, and increases collaboration within teams. RiderFlow is unique in its functionality and integration with Unity, and compatible with other Unity tools and plugins. If you are a Unity developer, you should definitely give RiderFlow a try and see how it can improve your workflow and results.

Here are some frequently asked questions about RiderFlow:


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