
AutoCAD Crack Full Product Key [March-2022]







AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Crack+ License Key Download 2022

History of AutoCAD

AutoCAD began as an instructional program created by the developers of Simulmedia to teach AutoLISP programming language. This version, called AutoCAD Lite, was designed to be installed on the Apple II computer by Ron Amadeo and Tom Reid of Autodesk and Simon L. Measom of Simulmedia. This version used AutoCAD’s companion program, Draw; it could import and export graphic files, draw lines and arcs, and create technical drawing legends and tables.

Released in 1983 for Apple II, Atari and Commodore 64, AutoCAD turned out to be such a success that its developers turned AutoCAD from a simple tutorial program into a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software for Mac OS in 1985.

In 1987, AutoCAD became available for Apple II, Apple Macintosh and IBM PC. The following year, the first version for Windows was released. The Windows version was a compatible version of the software. The user interface was different for the sake of software compatibility, but the functionality of the program remained the same.

The year 1992 saw the release of AutoCAD LT, which was a smaller, portable version of AutoCAD. In 1994, the company introduced AutoCAD WS, the world’s first true Web-enabled CAD program. The program was Internet-enabled, allowing users to access AutoCAD over the Internet.

In 2005, the new AutoCAD named after 50 years in the product, began a period of continuous product development.

In 2006, the first version for mobile phones, AutoCAD WS Mobile Edition, was released. AutoCAD WS Mobile Edition allowed users to access their drawings and other files from any network-capable mobile phone or device.

In 2007, AutoCAD WS Web Edition was released. The program was designed to allow users to access their drawings and other files from any browser, not just a mobile phone or device. It was the first version of AutoCAD to support the standard Web.

In 2008, the new version of AutoCAD, named AutoCAD 2009, was released. The 2009 version was the first version to contain the new technology released in the past several years called DraftSight. This product allowed users to open, view and manipulate drawings from their mobile phones or devices.

In 2011, AutoCAD 2012 was released. The 2012 version was the first AutoCAD version

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Single-file format
AutoCAD also exports to the single-file format (or SFF). This format, which was originally designed by the US Department of Defense, uses XML as its external form, and is a self-describing format that can be read and processed by almost any type of software. It can be imported and exported directly in files or in programming languages such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft C# and Java. It also supports external references to the images and fonts of AutoCAD files, as well as to external maps and drawings.

The single-file format is largely used in the drawing preparation or in-system communication when the external format (DWG, DXF, DGN, PDF, DWF) is not supported. However, the single-file format does not support any form of interactivity, and can be used for the creation and the exchange of structural and non-structural building blocks of large-scale documentation. The format can be easily created in Microsoft Word. The creation of the single-file format is, however, difficult without using AutoLISP.

AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD LT 2010 use a file format named DWG (drawing) format. It is based on the proprietary DWG (drawing) format, which was introduced in 1988 by Autodesk. This DWG file format is the single most common format for the distribution of AutoCAD documents. The DWG format is optimized for reading and writing. It is less than 1% smaller than the standard AutoCAD DWG format. It can be used to exchange drawings among different vendors. It is used primarily in the manufacturing industry and to share blueprints and architectural models.

The file format was previously known as AutoCAD File Exchange (AFCE). In 2005, it became available as a separate document type with Autodesk file extension DWG. However, the later editions of AutoCAD LT remove the DWG file format. The DWG file format is similar to the AutoCAD’s native DWF file format but it is limited to an AutoCAD Drawing area size. The file size of the DWG format is considerably larger than the other formats that AutoCAD supports, but it is very easy to edit, save, and load. The AutoLISP programming language is used to create and manipulate DWG files and draw the AutoCAD artwork. For this reason, DWG is a very powerful, yet

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BRIAN W. MILLER, No. 12-35745

Petitioner – Appellant, D.C. No. 3:10-cv-00646-JWS



What’s New in the?

Calculate global dimensions of printed or drawn objects. You can now export the global dimensions to an AutoLISP and automate your design process. (video: 1:15 min.)

Support for SolidWorks:

Import and export your SolidWorks drawing to AutoCAD. Use our new 2-dimensional import to convert and align SolidWorks part data and CADOPT (SolidWorks-only) files to AutoCAD.

Enhancements for the 3D Warehouse:

Reference catalogs on the 3D Warehouse that show CADOPT objects in AutoCAD have been updated to add more 3D Warehouse datasets.

CADOPT Objects in the Warehouse are available in multiple languages.


Support for Dynamic Input Methods:

Add commands and parameters to your drawings that are displayed in the Properties palette and work as you type.


New 2D import dialog allows for easier import of SolidWorks Drawing files. You can now choose which layers to import. You can also export your model using the existing 2D CADOPT export dialog.

New support for CNC machine tool model import:

Import raw CNC machine tool files directly into your drawing.

Import CNC machine tool CADOPT files directly into your drawing.

CADOPT Import Dialog:

Updated import dialog makes CADOPT import simpler, faster and easier. You can now import CADOPT files, save them as a drawing template or open CADOPT files directly into your drawing.


Improved color picker:

Use one click to generate the color code for each fill and line object.

Filter selection list on editing palette to select all (Ctrl+A), unselect all (Ctrl+C) or filter by selected objects.

Search replace in palette to jump to next replace dialog box when replace multiple items at once.


Geometric entities from drawing views show in the Properties palette (like islands, rings and faces).

You can now define a text justification for dashed lines in the “Define Text Style dialog box.


You can now add external references to your drawings. These references will show on the Drawing and Annotation tabs of the Reference Manager and on the Entity tab of the Properties palette.


You can now quickly search and replace all patterns from the Drawing & Annotation

System Requirements:

Windows XP or newer.
Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).
50Hz refresh rate is recommended.
ATI Radeon HD 3870 and newer.
Intel HD 4000 or newer.
AMD Radeon HD 5670 and newer.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 and newer.
Internet Connection.
Laptop for comfortable movement.
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or older.
Running Windows 7 or newer.
DirectX version 11 or newer.
Mac OS X Lion.


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