









AutoCAD Crack PC/Windows [Latest] 2022

General Description

AutoCAD is used for engineering design and drafting. In addition to the drafting functions of traditional CAD, it includes functions for computer-aided manufacturing (CAE), 2D drawing/plotting, including the ability to rotate, mirror, and/or change colors in 2D drawings, 3D modeling, 2D and 3D annotation, and basic 2D and 3D graphics functions.

One of AutoCAD’s key features is that it supports collaborative drawing. Two-way drafting is supported with the ability to share drawings and projects on one’s network. This enables the entire team to simultaneously work on the same drawing or drawing set.

AutoCAD and the AutoCAD LT workstation are available for use in schools, education, or student-teacher settings. AutoCAD can be licensed either on a per-user basis or as a client/server model.

AutoCAD is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms. It is also available as a mobile app for iPhone and iPad.


There are currently four AutoCAD versions: AutoCAD 2011 (13.3) for Windows, AutoCAD LT 2013 for Windows, AutoCAD 2013 for Windows, and AutoCAD LT 2012 for Windows. All AutoCAD versions are available for Macintosh. The latest version, AutoCAD 2013 for Windows, has been in active development since June 2012, and it was released in June 2013.

Autodesk plans to release a fifth version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2019, in 2018. A free interim release of AutoCAD 2018 is now available for non-commercial use (available until January 2019).

A free AutoCAD subscription is also available. The subscription provides one year of free updates, access to all public-use AutoCAD files on Autodesk’s servers, and access to all autodesk.com online content and webinars.

Note: The previous version of AutoCAD LT was also known as “AutoCAD LT 2011” (13.2).

Autodesk AutoCAD Features

All-in-one application, rather than requiring use of separate design software

Quickly create 2D, 3D, and 4D models, and export to PDF, 3D PDF, and DXF file formats

2D, 3D, and 4D sketching, line

AutoCAD [Mac/Win]

2014: VectorWorks’ Alias (SketchUp) (2012), 3D Warehouse, Autodesk Mechanical Desktop (2012), Legacy Drawings app for AutoCAD (2012), Autodesk Precision Steel (2015), AutoCAD 3D Revit (2016), AutoCAD Architecture (2016), AutoCAD LT (2016), AutoCAD for Microsoft Project (2016), AutoCAD Architecture (2017), AutoCAD Mechanical (2017), AutoCAD Electrical (2017), AutoCAD 360, AutoCAD MEP (2017), AutoCAD Tools for Desktop (2017), AutoCAD 360 Cloud 2D/3D (2017), and AutoCAD 360 Cloud (2017).

See also
Comparison of CAD editors for CAE
List of CAE software
List of computer-aided design software
List of multi-user shared 3D CAD
List of vector graphics editors for AutoCAD


External links

AutoCAD information page at Autodesk
AutoCAD 360 – AutoCAD 3D Cloud

Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Computer-aided design software for Linux
Category:Products and services discontinued in 2017La voix d’Ernest Lavallières, c’est un combat dans un autre contexte. Le maire de Montréal, Denis Coderre, n’a pas voulu se laisser envahir par les médias, hier, pour annoncer la suspension de son campagne électorale. Le candidat ne souhaitait pas jouer les démentiels. Il souhaitait se concentrer sur les engagements et le résumé de son propre parti.

Or, deux à trois fois, les questions posées par les journalistes ont été directement conçues pour influencer le débat électoral.

Pourquoi Alexandre Taillefer est-il «déconnecté» de sa famille?

C’est un exemple. C’est pas grave.

Au lieu de rien dire, M. Coderre a répondu : « Ce qui compte, ce n’est pas ce qui se dit à l’extérieur, c’

AutoCAD Crack + Activator [2022-Latest]

Open the program and load the *.lib file in your computer.

Change the parameter “Active Clipboard” in the menu of the program.

Then press on the Install button.

Work fine?


This is a known issue. The user will need to fix it manually using the information in this forum post:
This is a really odd bug, I had been using AutoCAD a lot in the past, but I hadn’t used it in over a year.

An evaluation of the nonhuman primate as a model for cutaneous wound healing.
The cutaneous wound healing process was studied by quantitative histology in a group of 12 rhesus macaques. Animals were divided into two groups: one received no treatment (control), and the other received 1-cm2 split-thickness donor sites on the ventral abdominal skin. Three animals in the control group had their wounds dressed with sterile gauze on days 3-4, and the remaining nine animals served as untreated controls. After sacrifice on days 3, 4, 7, 10, and 14, histologic samples were taken for light and electron microscopy. In the skin specimens, the epidermis was the main site of active repair. Epidermal basal cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation were markedly retarded in the donor sites of the experimental animals. Fibroblasts were abundant in the early repair zones. By day 14, dermal remodeling occurred, and collagen and vascular endothelial cells were present at the dermal-epidermal junction. Epidermal-dermal junction maturation occurred at the periphery of the wound by day 14. The rate of healing was rapid, with animals in the experimental group showing complete healing within 14 days. Although a human skin equivalent does not exactly replicate the human in vivo wound repair process, this study indicates that the nonhuman primate is an excellent model for studying cutaneous wound healing.Q:

CodeIgniter Active Record – Group by string

Suppose I have a table “cities”
city_id | name
1 | Delhi
2 | Mumbai
3 | Bangalore
4 | Chennai

If I run this in the codeign

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Design a powerful and easy-to-use tool for translating 2D drawings into 3D models. (video: 1:35 min.)

Mobile apps:

Convert paper drawings and send them to the cloud with new Mobile Drafting feature. (video: 1:10 min.)

Create drawings without a computer with a new Mobile Drafting feature. (video: 1:15 min.)

The latest release of AutoCAD 2023 delivers the freedom to draw on the go and leverage the best technology.

Download the 2017 Annual Technical Update

Save on annual subscription with multi-user license:

Annual Subscription

12-month subscription to Annual Technical Update (for Personal use only)

One year of product updates, product support and technical content available via the web, phone or tablet.

5,000+ AutoCAD features and innovations

Download the latest AutoCAD 2023 manual.

10-year product support

Available in three languages


AutoCAD is used by more than 200 million users worldwide. AutoCAD LT provides design and drafting functionality in a fully integrated CAD environment for the price of a single CAD program.


$199.99 per site license

$399.99 per site license for five simultaneous users

$699.99 per site license for 20 simultaneous users

Available in English, Spanish, French and German

AutoCAD LT / ExactDraw

AutoCAD LT / ExactDraw was a standalone product that provided a simplified and integrated CAD environment, suitable for anyone working on a variety of types of projects.


$99.99 per site license

$199.99 per site license for five simultaneous users

$399.99 per site license for 20 simultaneous users

Available in English, Spanish, French and German

AutoCAD LT / Metadraw

AutoCAD LT / Metadraw was a standalone product that provided a simplified and integrated CAD environment, suitable for anyone working on a variety of types of projects.


$99.99 per site license

$199.99 per site license for five simultaneous users

$399.99 per site license for 20 simultaneous users

Available in English, Spanish, French and German

AutoCAD LT / Ulead

AutoCAD LT / U

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

To be eligible for #OffClubbing you must be:
At least 18 years of age
A high school or college student
An active social media user
A current member of Amazon Prime and participating in the #OffClubbing Social Media Challenge.
How to Participate in the #OffClubbing Social Media Challenge
During the week of July 20th and July 27th, the #OffClubbing Social Media Challenge will be live.
During the #OffClubbing Social Media Challenge, each day, we will open submissions for a new


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