
ECBear Crack With Registration Code (Latest)

ECBear is a compact application that allows you to calculate the bearing capacity based on the Eurocode 7 1997-1 standard. Its purpoes can be found in geotechnical engineering — a branch involved in assessing soil properties (mostly resilience) concerning a building or any type of construction.
The application features a simple interface that allows you to enter all the parameters and generate results with one click. There are no additional tabs or menus to worry about, so getting your calculations done in a jiffy won't be a problem
The left side of the UI provides a graphical representation of the ground properties. Footing and soil parameters along action are the only editable elements here. Input your data accordingly and the calculation results section — which can be found at the bottom of the interface — should take care of offering the needed information.
To start another session, you simply modify the values and click on Calculate. Exporting the results to any text format seems to be impossible after the numbers are displayed, so make sure you take a screenshot or write the details down before engaging in further calculations.
In summary, ECBear is nothing more than an engineer's tool, handy for calculating the soil's bearing capacity, or simply put, to see how much weight a patch of ground can without before starting to shear.


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Download ⚙⚙⚙ https://urlin.us/2miu1n






ECBear Torrent (Activation Code)

Take a screenshot to help us solve the build issue:
Tested with the following parameters:

Modified with the following parameters:

Forum Statistics:

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reading url which is redirected through headers

i have a problem with reading redirected page using htaccess file.
this is the htaccess file
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}!^www.example.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}!-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}!-f
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /?page=$1 [L,QSA]

this is the redirection result

now when i call the url it show the contents of the file, why is this happening?


I’ve only seen this problem with a very old forum software. Here is my advice:
You may put a little restriction on your.htaccess file. So if someone call the URL:

You will redirect them to this URL:

ECBear Crack+ Free Registration Code Free [Updated]

This is a subroutine which can be pasted into an.rc,.ini, or.cfg file to make ECBear For Windows 10 Crack’s main routine load automatically.
This subroutine will allow the ECBear application to load from an external text file, so there’s no need for users to copy-paste ECBear’s text files.
Just copy-paste the following code into any text editor:

; ECBBear
; EC Bear – Routine to load ECBBear’s exe
; ECBBear.cfg ini file (If not in the ECBBear.cfg file)
; ECBBear.ini file (If ECBBear.cfg file is not in the ECBBear folder)
; ECBBear.cfg file

[ECBear] ; Load ECBBear’s exe
LoadFile %appdata%\Developer\ECBear\ECBear.exe

; ECBBear.ini file
; The ECBBear.ini file will read in the ECBBear.cfg file and
; ECBBear.exe on the Windows PATH.
; Using the following ini-settings:

[ECBear] ; Load ECBBear’s exe
LoadFile %appdata%\Developer\ECBear\ECBear.exe
; Window settings
MainWindowWidth = 600
MainWindowHeight = 600

It should look something like this:
KEYMACRO Prerequisites:
Exercise caution and attention when working with “hacked” code in any operating system, since this code may not work in a secure environment or the settings may be overwritten.

If you want to test ECBBear’s functioning, you can go to the ECBBear application folder on your Windows Desktop (also known as: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Developer\ECBear) and launch ECBBear.exe. If everything is fine, you should be able to see the ECBBear window pop up. In this case, ECBBear has successfully loaded from the ECBBear.cfg file or the ECBBear.ini file.
If you are getting any errors, make sure that ECBBear.exe, the ECBBear.cfg file, and

ECBear Crack + Torrent For PC

– Initial release.
– Eurocode standard is used to calculate the bearing capacity.
– A small application that allows to quickly see the bearing capacity.
– A simple UI with a graphical representation of the ground properties and a parametric calculator.
– You can calculate, among others, the bearing capacity or, to put it simply, the “resistance” of the ground.
– You can also define the level of rotation of the machine before the bearing capacity is reached.
– Exporting the results to any text format seems to be impossible after the numbers are displayed, so make sure you take a screenshot or write the details down before engaging in further calculations.
Main features:
– Easy usage.
– Simple UI with a graphical representation of the ground properties and a parametric calculator.
– Ability to calculate the bearing capacity or, to put it simply, the “resistance” of the ground.
– You can also define the level of rotation of the machine before the bearing capacity is reached.
– Exporting the results to any text format seems to be impossible after the numbers are displayed, so make sure you take a screenshot or write the details down before engaging in further calculations.
What’s new in version 1.1:
– Main features (bearing capacity calculations and the features available to define the bearing capacity).
– Update to the latest revision of the Eurocode standard.
– A user with the “Administrator” privileges can define the way of output the results.
– New options under “Settings”.
– Ability to create and start ECBear sessions from other ECBear sessions.
– Ability to install ECBear along any ECBear session.
– Many other bug fixes and improvements.
– Requires Java Runtime Environment 6.0 or later.
– ECBear should run on any operating system.
– Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Emilio Delimitra
– License: GPLv3
– See COPYING for more information.

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What’s New in the ECBear?

E-CEBEAR is an application to calculate the bearing capacity of rock formations. The Eurocode E 7:1997-1 defines the criteria to assess the capacity of a rock formation, where the definition of bearing capacity is based on the combined effects of soil, rock and water. Using the points of this criteria and the specifications defined in Eurocode E 7:1997-1, E-CEBEAR calculates the bearing capacity.

Once the validity of the soil has been assessed, the application calculates the bearing capacity. This capacity is expressed in the tonnage, that is, the measure of load that it can support.

In the application, the user enters data for the following points in the soil profile:
– Soil type
– Soil cohesion
– Soil density
– Shear strength
– Soil internal friction angle
– Capability index
– Percentage of loss in the soil bearing capacity

E-CEBEAR calculates the support capacity of the soil, taking into account the total length of the cutting, the support load on the shaft, the bearing stress at the bottom of the shear wall and the resistance offered by the damping layer.

It is also possible to change the failure mode from sudden to progressive, which will allow the load on the top part of the shear wall to be calculated and failure to occur on the bottom part.

– An example of calculation:

In the example above, the user has to enter the values indicated in brackets:

– Soil type — stone
– Soil cohesion — 0.4 MPa
– Soil density — 2.25 MPa
– Shear strength — 30 KN
– Soil internal friction angle — 0°
– Capability index — -0.4
– Percentage of loss in the soil bearing capacity — 90%

This calculation will provide the support capacity of the soil, expressed in tonnage:

The input screen of ECBear can be configured to show the results on a graphical way (line or bar), or to be printed in a suitable spreadsheet (csv or xls).


Version history

Version 0.9.2
Released 13 June 2014
44.1 kB

* Added a new option to the calculation mode — where a setting will appear that allows you to take into account the progressive and sudden failure.

Version 0.9.1
Released 12 November 2013
42.6 kB

* Added the support for calculating the bearing capacity of two zones.

Version 0.9.0
Released 14 September 2013
41.6 kB

* Improved the application interface.

* Added the support for inputting a new profile and the capacity calculation mode &md

System Requirements For ECBear:

Windows 7 (64-bit)
Mac OS X Lion (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 @ 2.66 GHz
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8800GT, ATI Radeon HD 2600
Hard Drive: 1 GB of space
HD Video: standard definition (640×480, 30 fps) video display
Processor: Intel Core 2


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