
Oumou Sangare-Ko Sira Full Album HOT!

Oumou Sangaré – Ko Sira: A Masterpiece of Malian Music

Oumou Sangaré is one of the most celebrated and influential singers from Mali, a West African country with a rich and diverse musical heritage. She is known for her powerful and expressive voice, her captivating stage presence, and her social and political activism. She is also a pioneer of modern Wassoulou music, a genre that originated from the traditional hunting songs of the Wassoulou region in southern Mali.

Ko Sira is Oumou Sangaré’s second album, released in 1993 by World Circuit Records. It is widely regarded as one of her best works and a landmark of African music. The album showcases Oumou Sangaré’s unique style and talent, as well as her collaboration with some of the finest musicians from Mali and beyond. In this article, we will explore the background, the themes, and the songs of Ko Sira, and explain why it is a masterpiece of Malian music.

The Background of Ko Sira

Oumou Sangaré was born in 1968 in Bamako, the capital of Mali. She grew up in a musical family, as her mother was a singer who performed at weddings and ceremonies. Oumou Sangaré started singing at a young age, and by the age of 16, she was already a professional performer. She joined the National Ensemble of Mali and toured Europe and Africa with them.

In 1989, she recorded her debut album, Moussolou (Women), which was a huge success in Mali and across Africa. The album sold over 200,000 copies and established Oumou Sangaré as a star of Wassoulou music. Wassoulou music is characterized by its rhythmic complexity, its use of traditional instruments such as the kamele n’goni (a six-stringed harp-lute), the karignan (a metal scraper), and the djembe (a goblet-shaped drum), and its lyrical themes that address social issues such as women’s rights, love, marriage, and polygamy.

In 1993, Oumou Sangaré released her second album, Ko Sira (Marriage Today), which was also produced by World Circuit Records. The album was recorded in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, with a band that included some of the best musicians from Mali, such as Boubacar Diallo (guitar), Brehima Diakité (kamele n’goni), Aliou Traoré (flute), Souleymane Sidibé (percussion), and Cheick Tidiane Seck (keyboards). The album also featured guest appearances by Pee Wee Ellis (saxophone), who was a former member of James Brown’s band, and Basekou Kouyate (ngoni), who later became a renowned solo artist.

The Themes of Ko Sira

Ko Sira is an album that reflects Oumou Sangaré’s views and experiences as a woman in Mali. The album tackles various topics that are relevant to Malian society and culture, such as marriage, divorce, polygamy, female circumcision, education, and tradition. Oumou Sangaré does not shy away from expressing her opinions and criticisms on these issues, but she does so with respect and wisdom. She also celebrates the beauty and strength of Malian women and their role in society.

For example, in the title track “Ko Sira”, Oumou Sangaré sings about the difficulties and challenges that young couples face in modern Mali. She advises them to be patient and respectful to each other, to avoid jealousy and gossip, and to seek guidance from their elders. She also warns them about the dangers of divorce and its consequences for their children.

In another song, “Kayini Wura” (The Great King), Oumou Sangaré pays tribute to her father, who died when she was two years old. She praises him for his courage and generosity, and for being a source of inspiration for her. She also thanks him for giving her his name, Sangaré, which means “the one who never runs away from a fight”.

In “Sigi Kuruni” (Good Education), Oumou Sangaré advocates for the importance of education for girls and boys alike. She criticizes those who prevent their daughters from going to school or force them into early marriages. She argues that education is the key to development and empowerment for women and for the whole nation.

The Songs of Ko Sira

Ko Sira consists of eight songs, each with its own style and message. The songs are sung in Bambara, the most widely spoken language in Mali, and sometimes in French. The songs are also rich in musical influences and elements, ranging from traditional Wassoulou music to Afrobeat, funk, jazz, and reggae. The songs are:


Ko Sira is a remarkable album that showcases Oumou Sangaré’s talent and vision as a singer, songwriter, and activist. The album is a blend of traditional and modern music, of local and global influences, of personal and social themes. The album is also a testament to Oumou Sangaré’s role as a leader and an inspiration for Malian women and for African music lovers around the world.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned more about Oumou Sangaré and her Ko Sira album. If you want to listen to the album, you can find it on Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Music. You can also follow Oumou Sangaré on her official website, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more articles on African music.



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