
Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi

Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi: A Guide for Albanian Citizens and Foreigners

Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi is the Albanian term for the Civil Status Registry. It is a unique state document that contains the personal data of all Albanian citizens, foreigners, and stateless persons who have temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Albania. It also verifies their birth, existence, identity, and relationships with each other.

The Civil Status Registry is an important source of information for various purposes, such as identification, voting, taxation, social security, health care, education, and inheritance. It is also essential for obtaining official documents, such as identity cards, passports, certificates, and licenses. Therefore, it is vital to keep your civil status data updated and accurate.

In this article, we will explain what Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi is, how it works, and how to use it. We will also provide some tips and tricks to help you access and update your civil status data easily and safely.

What is Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi and How It Works

Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi is based on the Law No. 10129, dated 11.5.2009, on Civil Status . It consists of the General Directorate of Civil Status, the civil status branches in the districts, the civil status offices in the municipalities/communal units or communes. It also operates at the Albanian diplomatic and consular representations abroad.

The administration of the Civil Status Registry is done by the General Directorate of Civil Status. The updating of the registry data is done only by the civil status service employees in the civil status offices in the municipalities/communal units/communes. The actions in the Civil Status Registry and in the civil status acts are done by using information technology.

The basic documents that the civil status service keeps are: the birth certificate, the marriage certificate, the death certificate, the basic registers and the National Civil Status Registry. The basic documents that the civil status office issues are: the identity card, the passport, the birth certificate, the marriage certificate, the family certificate and the death certificate.

The permanent basic document for identifying citizens is the identity card. Citizens have the right to have one or more residences for personal or family use.

How to Use Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi

To use Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi, you need to visit a civil status office that corresponds to your residence or domicile. You can find a list of civil status offices on this website: https://www.gjendjacivile.gov.al/adresat-e-zgjc/ . You can also contact them by phone or email.

To use Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi, you need to present some documents that prove your identity and civil status. Depending on your situation and request, these documents may vary. For example:

You can find more information about the required documents and fees on this website: https://www.gjendjacivile.gov.al/dokumentet-e-nevojshme/ . You can also download some forms and applications online.

How to Update Your Civil Status Data

It is important to update your civil status data whenever there is a change in your personal or family situation, such as marriage, divorce, adoption, name change, residence change, etc. Updating your civil status data will ensure that your identity and rights are protected and respected.

To update your civil status data, you need to visit a civil status office that corresponds to your residence or domicile and present the relevant documents that prove the change. For example:

You can find more information about the required documents and fees on this website: https://www.gjendjacivile.gov.al/dokumentet-e-nevojshme/ . You can also download some forms and applications online.

How to Access Your Civil Status Data Online

If you want to access your civil status data online, you can use the online service of Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi. This service allows you to check and verify your civil status data, such as your name, date of birth, gender, marital status, family status, residence, etc. You can also request and download some certificates online.

To access your civil status data online, you need to visit this website: https://regjistri.fsdksh.com.al/ahis/adfAuthentication . You need to log in with your username and password. If you do not have an account yet, you need to register first by providing some personal information and creating a username and password. You also need to have an email address and a phone number.

Once you log in, you can access your civil status data online by clicking on the “Shiko të dhënat” button. You can also request and download some certificates online by clicking on the “Kërko certifikatë” button. You can choose from different types of certificates, such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, family certificate, etc. You can also pay the fees online by using a credit card or a bank transfer.


In this article, we have explained what Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi is, how it works, and how to use it. We have also provided some tips and tricks to help you access and update your civil status data easily and safely. We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful. Now you can use Regjistri I Gjendjes Civile Shqi to manage your personal and family information and protect your identity and rights.



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