
Just Shapes And Beats Level Maker Download

Just Shapes and Beats Level Maker Download: How to Create Your Own Musical Bullet Hell

If you are a fan of rhythm games, bullet hell games, or both, you might have heard of Just Shapes and Beats, a chaotic co-op musical bullet hell game that was released in 2018. The game features 48 hand-crafted levels with licensed tracks from over 20 chiptune and EDM artists, as well as a story mode, a challenge mode, and a party mode. The game is available on various platforms, including PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, and Xbox Series X.

But what if you want to create your own levels with your own music? Well, you are in luck, because there is a level editor app that allows you to do just that. The level editor app is a PC program that enables users to create their own custom levels using any song file they want. You can then play your levels on your own or share them with other users online.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install the level editor app, how to use it to create your own levels, and how to play custom levels made by other users. We will also give you some tips and tricks to make your levels more fun and challenging. So if you are ready to unleash your creativity and make your own musical bullet hell, read on!

What You Need to Know Before You Start

Before you dive into creating your own levels, there are some things you need to know about the level editor app. Here are some of the requirements, limitations, and tips that you should be aware of:




How to Download and Install the Level Editor App

Now that you know what to expect from the level editor app, let’s see how you can download and install it on your PC. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Join the Berzerk Studio Discord server and fill out the form

The first thing you need to do is join the Berzerk Studio Discord server, which is the official Discord server of the developers of Just Shapes and Beats. You can do this by clicking on this invite link and following the instructions.

Once you are in the server, you need to fill out a form to apply for access to the level editor app. The form is located in the #level-editor-access channel. You need to provide your email address, your Discord username, and a brief explanation of why you want to use the app. You also need to agree to the terms and conditions of using the app.

After you submit the form, you need to wait for a confirmation message from the developers. This may take some time, depending on how many requests they receive. Please be patient and do not spam or harass them.

Step 2: Wait for an email from the developers with a download link

If your request is approved, you will receive an email from the developers with a download link for the level editor app. The email will also contain some instructions on how to use the app and some resources to help you get started.

Please note that the download link is unique and personal to you. Do not share it with anyone else or post it online. Doing so may result in your access being revoked or banned.

Step 3: Download and unzip the app to your preferred location

Once you have received the email, you can download the level editor app by clicking on the link. The app is a ZIP file that contains all the necessary files and folders for running the app.

You need to unzip the file to your preferred location on your PC. You can use any program that can extract ZIP files, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for extracting the file.

After you have unzipped the file, you will see a folder called “Just Shapes & Beats Level Editor”. This is where all your files for creating and playing custom levels will be stored.

How to Use the Level Editor App to Create Your Own Levels

Now that you have downloaded and installed the level editor app, you can start creating your own levels with your own music. Here are

Rotate Rotates the selected hazard. Scale Scales the selected hazard. Flip Flips the selected hazard. Color Changes the color of the selected hazard. Opacity Changes the opacity of the selected hazard. Layer Changes the layer of the selected hazard. Add Hazard Adds a new hazard to the level. Edit Hazard Edits the properties of the selected hazard. Play/Pause Plays or pauses the level. Stop Stops the level and resets it to the beginning. Rewind/Fast Forward Rewinds or fast forwards the level by 1 second. Zoom In/Out Zooms in or out of the level.

To add a hazard to your level, you need to click on the “Add Hazard” button and select one of the available hazards from the list. You can choose from different types of hazards, such as bullets, lasers, spikes, saws, and more. Each hazard has its own properties, such as shape, size, speed, direction, movement, and behavior. You can edit these properties by clicking on the “Edit Hazard” button and adjusting the sliders and checkboxes.

To sync your hazards with the music, you need to drag and drop them on the timeline at the bottom of the window. The timeline shows the waveform and duration of your song file. You can use it to align your hazards with the beats, rhythms, and melodies of your song. You can also use markers to divide your song into sections and segments.

To test your level, you need to click on the “Play” button and watch how your hazards interact with the music and the player. You can also use the keyboard arrows or the mouse to control the player and dodge the hazards. You can pause, stop, rewind, or fast forward your level at any time using the buttons at the bottom right corner of the window.

Step 3: Save your level as a TXT file and share it with others

Once you are satisfied with your level, you need to save it as a TXT file. You can do this by clicking on the “Save” button at the top left corner of the window. This will open a file explorer where you can name and save your level file. The file will be saved in the Levels folder in the app directory by default.

To share your level with others, you need to upload your TXT file to an online file hosting service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. You can then share the link to your file with other users who have access to the level editor app. You can also post your link on the #level-sharing channel on the Berzerk Studio Discord server, where you can showcase your level and get feedback from other users. You can also browse and download other users’ levels from this channel.

How to Play Custom Levels Made by Other Users

If you want to play custom levels made by other users, you need to download their TXT files and copy them to the Levels folder in the app directory. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Download the TXT file of the level you want to play

To download a custom level, you need to find its link on the #level-sharing channel on the Berzerk Studio Discord server or any other source. You can then click on the link and download the TXT file to your PC. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for downloading the file.

Step 2: Copy the file to the Levels folder in the app directory

After you have downloaded the TXT file, you need to copy it to the Levels folder in the app directory. You can do this by using any file explorer program, such as Windows Explorer or File Explorer. The app directory is where you extracted the ZIP file of the level editor app. The Levels folder is inside the app directory.

Once you have copied the file, you will see it in the Levels folder along with your own levels and some default levels that come with the app.

Step 3: Launch the app and select the level from the menu

To play a custom level, you need to launch the app by double-clicking on the “Just Shapes & Beats Level Editor.exe” file in the app directory. This will open a window with the app interface.

To select a level, you need to click on the “Open” button at the top left corner of the window. This will open a file explorer where you can browse and select your level file. You can also use the keyboard arrows or the mouse wheel to scroll through your levels.

After you select a level, the app will load it and display its waveform and duration at the bottom of the window. You can then play, pause, and adjust the volume of the level using the buttons and slider at the bottom right corner of the window. You can also use the keyboard arrows or the mouse to control the player and dodge the hazards. You can pause, stop, rewind, or fast forward your level at any time using the buttons at the bottom right corner of the window.


Just Shapes and Beats is a fun and challenging game that lets you create your own levels with a level editor app. The level editor app is a PC program that allows you to use any song file you want and add hazards that sync with the music. You can then play your levels on your own or share them with other users online.

If you love music and bullet hell games, you should definitely try out the level editor app and unleash your creativity. You can apply for access to the app by joining the Berzerk Studio Discord server and filling out a form. You can also watch some tutorials, join the Discord community, and backup your files to make your level creation experience more enjoyable and smooth.

So what are you waiting for? Join the musical bullet hell madness and have fun!



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