
ECTool Crack PC/Windows Latest

Ectool is an utility to help with the management of playing correspondence or email chess.
It runs under Windows 98, 95, NT, 2k and XP.







ECTool Crack + License Keygen Latest

Ectool is an easy-to-use application that
let’s you generate, save and edit correspondence chess sets, take and send test games and analyse your games with ECTool Viewer.
It can be used as a stand-alone application or be integrated with other applications for commercial use.
The application provides a simple interface so that everyone can use it easily.
It’s very intuitive, scalable, multi-language and multi-platform (only needs an Intergraph and Netscape Navigator compatible browser)
ECTool can be used for private use (to help analyze or study correspondence chess), or can be used for commercial use (in correspondence and email chess clubs and associations).
ECTool is currently being used by correspondence chess players all over the world.
ECTool has been released as Open Source under the BSD license.
ECTool History:
ECTool started out as an idea for a correspondence chess editor that would support a wide variety of chessboards and pieces. The original version was written in Java and used the Java Gui’s (JFrame and JPanel) as the interface. The default chessboard was built on version 11 and saved in Intergraph format.
The development of ECTool started around December of 1998 when a user of the Software Exchange group in France provided patches to correct an encoding problem. They were responsible for making ECTool available as a stand alone application.
ECTool v1.00 was released in August of 1999.
The user interface was improved and the number of chessboards was increased to over 50. The support for a variety of chessboards and components has increased and this has been used to offer automatic chessboard detection when ECTool is started for the first time. The ability to use several chessboards was enhanced and an undo command was added for chessboards.
The user interface was extended to provide a variety of options and features on the chessboard.
The chessboard board is designed so that it can be edited by using cut and paste. The pieces can be moved from the chessboard to the board editor and from the board editor back to the chessboard.
The chessboard editor can be used for creating chessboards and for modifying chessboards. It supports the built in Intergraph Chessboard and Chesspiece libraries (found within the ECTool distribution) and also contains a non-standard chessboard library.
The default chessboard can be used and modified within the application. It provides an NxN board with a live-position

ECTool Crack + License Code & Keygen [Updated] 2022

ECTool Free Download creates, reads and writes the ECT file-format used to
store chess correspondence, chess games and chess games statistics.
It also implements the ECTool Crack For WindowsAlive application which allows you to use
ECTool with the chess composer MidChess and kicche.
ECTool has a graphical representation of the mailboxes, which makes it
easy to see which correspondence needs to be read, which response
needs to be written, and which file needs to be loaded. It also supports
both the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and the Internet Message
Format (IMF).
The most important function of ECTool is the editing of mailboxes
and the management of a correspondence. ECTool also implements a
search utility which makes it easy to see all the correspondence
(and other files) that matches a given search string. Finally, ECTool
supports SMTP sessions, allowing you to continue writing a response
even when the recipient has disconnected.
ECTool is highly customizable. You can edit the ECT file format,
change the appearance of the program and the mailboxes. You can also
change the way correspondence is managed and which mailbox you wish to
search. The program also supports custom colors and labels for the
pieces, sockets, and mailboxes.

Version 0.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 John D. Vella
Version 0.42 latest: Tuesday 29-Dec-2002
Version 0.42 notes:
* Only works with computer program MidChess version 2.2.0 or later.
* ECT file format changed slightly to be more compatible with
MidChess version 2.2.0.
* Version 0.40 was a rewrite, and is not compatible with
MIDC/ECTool versions earlier than 0.42. This meant that the
most recent ECTool release was 0.41, but the program should still
* ECTool in version 0.40 had a bug which meant that you had to
load the ECTool database into your correspondence before you
could start using it. This also meant that the ECTool database
had to be loaded at application startup. Since version 0.41,
this bug has been fixed and no ECTool database needs to be loaded
at startup. However, this change has made it impossible to use
ECTool with other correspondence programs. I am now considering
converting E

ECTool Crack+ Product Key Full

A simple chess playing utility that allows you to play chess on the Web using Internet mail and a version of Internet Chess Server (ICS).
The game system we use is called The Big Fire Chess Network (TBFCN).
The Ectool User’s Manual is available in both html and plain text format.
For more information see the About Ectool page.

Version 2.2
Oct 24 2005
Added GUI for selecting web sites to be played on, use “Ctrl+a” and “Ctrl+e” to select and go to the next/previous web site.
Updated the code to fix a weird bug that was caused by a change made to a variable in the main file.
Version 2.1
Oct 23 2005
Faster loading of web sites, especially for slow internet connections.
Added ability to configure default web sites.
URLs start with instead of http, fixes a bug in which cmatrix.biz used to report that the page was not loading properly, see bug report #7.
Version 2.0
Oct 18 2005
Smarter loading of web sites, eliminating the need to have a separate process for loading web sites.
Fixed some bugs in the opening and closing threads.
Added command line arguments for the server name, and password.
Added support for ICS.
Many thanks to Frederico Estropia for all of the Ectool improvements.
Version 1.5
Oct 15 2005
Updated menus to look a little nicer.
The program now prompts you to save before exiting.
Converted the program to.NET and used the CSC.NET component in order to be able to use the Windows Forms Library.
Version 1.4
Oct 15 2005
Added a dedicated list with your matches, that is accessible with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+c.
Added a debug window that shows your game progress, usually should go unnoticed.
Added the ability to load an offline database to your local hard disk.
The program no longer tries to load urls that start with../ instead of just.., as that caused problems on some systems.
Added the ability to save your game status, and the rating of each player.
Version 1.3
Sep 15 2005
Fixed a bug that was caused by the last game being loaded first, if this would happen you were presented with the last game for the round, instead of the current one, the bug

What’s New In?

The ECTool is a utility that helps to organize correspondence chess, playing the games in order.
It will list all the games you have played against other players, and rank them according to how you think of them.
Then it will prioritize the games in your correspondence table, putting your recent games at the top.
This tool might be very useful to people who organize correspondence chess, or for people who look for other players to play against.
ECTool can be used on any chess site, and can be configured as a web site on your machine, or run under the tray or as an application.

User Reviews for ECTool

“ECTool is an excellent tool for correspondence chess. It lets you keep track of all the games you’ve played. It is very customizable; you can configure it to display a certain opponent’s rating, for example. The program is very simple to use, and I have not experienced any bugs or problems with it.”

“This program is good, but I could not figure out how to reset the ranking… it seems like that is the most glaring omission in the program, since it seems people will play most of their games under the assumption that they have a 50/50 shot of winning. If they can’t figure out how to reset the statistics, it might not be good as a tool to manage correspondence chess, but I highly recommend it for casual play.”

“Easy to use, as another user stated, but the function of the reset button is not obvious. When new games are added to the table, this button will clear out the old ones.”

“I use this program to log my matches and games with friends in our correspondence league. It’s very easy to use and I just wish it would allow me to give them a rating at the end of the games. I found a add-on for this on their web site, but I prefer to keep an entirely separate player profile for correspondence play.”

“Great tool for tracking matches and games. Simple to use and works very well. I’ve played a few games with a friend and was able to walk away with a pretty good idea of who won and how we each rated each other.”

“This program is about half a year old now. The only complaint is that it doesn’t save you history. The three users before me have left huge data/database files behind – and I’d love to have a backup system of my own.
Other than that, all great

System Requirements For ECTool:

Release date: December 1, 2016
Platforms: PC
Language: English
Genre: Action
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